This is a list I put together while I was a passenger on a long car trip myself. Some of them require a little preparation (eg. downloading an app) and some just need you. But all of them are great for making time go fast on your long car (/plane/train/boat/kayak/spaceship) ride.

1 – Read a book: This is an easy one for our book worms out there. If you’re not one of those, get through that novel that you got given for Christmas 10 years ago.
2 – Watch a movie: This is easily my favorite. I download a movie or a few Eps of a TV show from Netflix so I can watch it offline (there’s not always going to be data signal/wifi out there). Ridley Scott’s Gladiator paired with any Disney movie is always winner.
3 – Write a blog article: I’m literally on a 6hr drive right now as I write this article in the notes section of my phone.
4 – Enjoy the scenery: If this is your first (or maybe only time) doing this route, I highly suggest just laying your head back and taking it in. At least some of it.

5 – Sketch something: Going on from the last point, get inspired by your surroundings and have a little squiggle on the back of the car manual in the glove box.
6 – Learn a language: I like to use Duolingo to study a bit of Japanese. Download the app (here for Android or here for iOS) and learn a bit of the language of the country that you’re in! It’s free, but you’ll need wifi to load up your current level’s activities.
7 – Take photos: Take some shots of what you’re shooting passed. You never know what you might capture.
8 – Declutter your photos: Going on #7, if you’re anything like me, you take a LOT of photos. And a lot of them I don’t actually like/I’ll never use. So do a declutter sesh!
9 – The alphabet game: Pick a topic (cities, foods, animals, celebrities etc.) and take turns with everybody in the car naming something/someone in that topic starting with the letter ‘A’. When someone is stuck, put a mark on their name. Go through the whole alphabet and whoever has the least marks wins.

10 – Eye spy with my little eye: An absolute classic, and still a favorite for many!
11 – Have a nap: It’s still early in the list but already I’m bringing this one in, cause it is a GOODIE. Bring your pillow and get some snooze in. This takes me back to when I was younger on those 5am departures. Ahh, the nostalgia..
12 – Listen to music: Get an epic Spotify playlist ready for your trip and have a live concert, featuring you. This one is titled The Ultimate Travel Playlist but to be honest, I don’t know many of those songs. So here’s mine as a back up called Any Mood (but really, it’s some specific Hip Hop and RnB from the 90s till now).
13 – Meditate: If you need some help with this, why not download the Headspace App and do some of the meditation exercises they have. Not only will this pass some time, but it can get you in a great space of mind for your arriving destination as well.
14 – Yellow car game: Each person picks 1 color of car (must be different from each other). Everytime you see/pass a car of that color you get a point. First to 100, or the one with the most at the end of the trip, wins.
15 – Coloring book: Get an adult coloring book and entertain yourself for hours. If you don’t already have one, here’s the best sellers on Amazon at the moment. They’re surprisingly cheap!

16 – Listen to a podcast: Save a podcast to your phone and listen to it on your drive. This one called ‘Against the Rules with Michael Lewis‘ is currently waiting for me.
17 – Write a letter: Nowadays with technology, a letter is a very rare thing to come by. Why? Because we ‘don’t have’ the time. Well, now you do! Think of someone who’s address you know and write them a letter. I know it’d make your grandparents day (no matter how often you see them).
18 – Write a poem or a rap: All you need is a pen and paper on your lap, to come up with the next big track. Make that ink slap, and the homies clap, to your rhythmic attack.
19 – Knit something: I’m not a big knitter, but I’ve seen some of THE CUTEST things been hand knitted. Especially baby wear.
20 – 99 bottles of beer on the wall: I feel like this is more of an American thing. I’ve never made it to 0, but it sure would waste a lotta time getting all the way there.
Alright, we’re half way through the list now. Hopefully after having done the first 20 things on this list you’re at least half way through your trip.. If not, keep reading!

21 – Nintendo switch: If you already have one of these then I’m sure I don’t need to remind you. These (and any small portable consoles) are perfect for those long trips.
22 – Study: This one’s for all of those students out there. Stand your highlighters in the glovebox/cup holder and get studying!

23 – Finish/start that assignment: This is another friendly reminder to those students that need it. GET IT TOGETHER.
24 – Start a food diary: Try and jot down all the things you’ve eaten in the last week (and when). Then figure out what you can cut down on or add for a healthier diet.
25 – Create a meal plan: I feel like people that have meal plans really have their lives together. After doing #24, start by making a 1 week meal plan & a grocery list for it.
26 – Read a magazine: The times of the magazine is slowly diminishing, but it’s times like these where magazines really shine! Articles, crosswords and beautiful imagery – what more could you want?

27 – Sudoku: This is an ultimate brain puzzler that will have you going for hours. Buy a book of sudoku and count to 9 instead of counting the minutes on the dashboard clock.
28 – Riddles: Screenshot a bunch of riddles and try and solve them with your carload. This is really fun and keeps your brain working. Or, if you have a quiz game that you hardly ever play anymore (eg. Trivial Pursuit) take the cards and leave them in your car.
29 – Do a face mask: Get a tissue/paper face mask and follow the instructions. When you’re finished either pull over somewhere safe so you can wash & dry OR just use some face wipes.

31 – Do a crossword: Do this by yourself or with the carload. These are always fun and keep you occupied for a long time (if it’s a good one).
30 – Whiten your teeth: If you have a home kit teeth whitener and your carload is a quiet bunch, now’s the perfect time to get it out! Just bring a bottle of water so you can rinse.
32 – Play Candy Crush: This game has been around since I can remember, and it’s still a goody. Download here for Android or here for iOS.
33 – Watch the clouds: This is such a good and relaxing pastime activity that I don’t think is done enough anymore. If the weather’s right, see what shapes/things you can see in the clouds.

34 – ‘This Is Not A Book’ book: This has got to be one of the most interactive books out. Not your traditional book, this will have you doing a variety of things during your drive.
35 – Animal watch: Lookout for the local animals you know could be around the area. I spotted Dear once and it made a 5hr trip worth everything *heart eyes* (hey, I’m from little old NZ okay, give me a break).
36 – The question game: Start by asking ‘Do you want to play the question game?’ Continue taking turns in the conversation by only asking questions. First one to say a statement/to answer loses.
37 – Play Quiz Up: This app is a whole bunch of quizzes on different topics. Whatever you’re knowledgable at, or not, it has a bunch of questions for you. Although you will need signal/data or wifi to play, it’s so much fun and time can go super quickly if you have it! Download here for Android and here for iOS.
38 – Write a letter to yourself: Write a letter to yourself 10 years ago, or 10 years in the future. Now’s a great chance to reflect or find your bearings for the future.

39 – 3D Puzzle: I find these SO frustrating and SO fun at the same time. A great brain teaser can have you going for a while. Get this pack of 4 for the first ride AND the return trip.
40 – Get creative: Come up with something that’s not on this list! There’s a lot in here, so good luck.
So that’s my list of things that keep me occupied during the long trips! I must admit, I’ve never done all of them in a single trip, so I’m sure that this is long enough for any trip. I’d love to hear from you if you have more ideas!
Happy travelling 🙂